No bowling club can function without the hard work of volunteers. With this in mind, this page has been added to the website in order to encourage more members of the Club to volunteer, and for the Club to find out what volunteering resources we have available. We will be adding more items to the website in the future, so keep an eye out on the Notice Board for any updates.
Volunteering for the Club doesn't have to be a huge commitment; any amount of time you can give is greatly appreciated, as there are many one-off tasks around the Club that need doing. The 'Volunteer Survey', linked above, is designed to let us know who is available for volunteering, how much time they are willing to volunteer, and when they are available for volunteering. The survey is also available on the Notice Board in the Bowls Room.
Note that the survey isn't for any specific volunteer positions; it is simply designed to give us a better picture of the volunteer resources that we have available.
Please send completed surveys to the club email (morleybowlingclub@gmail.com) or hand them to the Club Secretary.